Unique holistic platform for Stress Reduction, Patient Calming, Mental Health in Virtual Reality (VR)

Health Innovation Technologies


Mental stress destroys lives and costs lots of money

Virtual reality

Isolation, sorrows,restlessness
virtual reality mental health in UAE

Anxiety before &
while treatment
Virtual reality treatment

Stress, burnout,
mental overload
virtual reality mental health UAE

Mental health costs:
stress, burnout, up to
  • € 44 bn in Germany p.a.
  • $ 1,000 bn world p.a.*
Source: Ärzteblatt.de / WHO


virtual reality mental health Dubai

virtual reality mental health in UAE

virtual reality mental health Dubai

The result of Magic Horizons Virtual Reality experiences are:
✓ Much deeper and faster relaxation & stress reduction compared to smartphone apps.
✓ In VR – without any distraction from outside.
✓ Immediately: At the touch of a button for a global audience.


The invention of immediate relaxation: Magic Horizons enables maximum relaxation even for short applications – much like a 10 minutes mental “power nap”.

Relaxation in Nature Worlds

Real nature VR worlds in 4K, 3D and with Binaural Music

virtual reality mental health Dubai

Binaural Audio

Delta, Theta & Alpha Waves – Relaxation frequencies

virtual reality mental health Dubai


  • Crystal Cave (feedback: painting with light & color)
  • Number Training (detection of numbers in VR)
  • Zen Garden (motion exercise in all dimensions)
  • Wishes & Affirmations (interactive experience)
virtual reality mental health in UAE

Dreams & Meditations

  • Breathe & Relax (breathing meditation)
  • Free your Mind (nature meditation)
  • Fairy Tales (famous Fairy Tales in VR)
  • Echoes in White(dreamlike VR)
virtual reality mental health Dubai

From the Humboldt-Study, by dr. Christian Stein

No other technology is able to provide a more intensive and more consistent simulation when it comes to perception than VR

One core objective of the Magic Horizons applications is to achieve demonstrable relaxation effects for the largest possible number of users

Relaxation effects and regeneration after stress have been demonstrated for music and virtual environments in various studies

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