Protective Effect of Qi-Shield on the Regeneration of Cultured Connective Tissue Fibroblasts after Mobile Phone Radiation – A Study Using Continuous Monitoring by Video Micrography

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  • Protective Effect of Qi-Shield on the Regeneration of Cultured Connective Tissue Fibroblasts after Mobile Phone Radiation – A Study Using Continuous Monitoring by Video Micrography

Mobile phones are high performance devices that consume  a lot of energy and also generate heat due to microwaves  transmitted by the handset . This heat is mainly created by  the high frequency electromagnetic fields that transmit voice or  data in mobile communications. Moreover, mobile phone  radiatiion can also cause non-thermal biological effects which  have been shown to induce oxidative stress and cell damage. The components of mobile phones also become hot  during operation, due to the heating of the battery, processor,  screen and radiofrequency broadcasting compnonents. 

The skin is the largest organ system of the body. The integrity of  a healthy skin plays a crucial role in maintaining physiological  homeostasis of the human body and its protection against  numerous exogenous traumata [9]. Connective tissue is one of  the many basic types of animal tissue and is found between  other tissues in the body. Especially dermal connective tissue  connects all distinct cells and tissues of the skin to a functional  organ . Fibroblasts constitute the principal component of  the connective tissue. 

Regeneration of complex structures such as the skin after injury  requires dramatic changes in cellular behaviour. Regenerating  tissues initiate a program that includes diverse processes such  as wound healing, cell death and dedifferentiation. Moreover,  newly regenerated tissues must integrate into preexisting  cellular structures . 

We used a bioassay which permits the evaluation of the effect  of oxidative stress resulting from the radiation of an actively  transmitting mobile phone by evaluating the regeneration  process of connective tissue fibroblasts. The experimental  setup was adapted to a realistic situation which has been shown  to be more meaningful than a controlled situation at laboratory  conditions using “test” generators with invariant parameters  such as intensity, frequency etc.. 

In addition, we also studied the question whether the Qi-Shield  device might be able to protect the cell regeneration process from  oxidative stress due to mobile phone radiation. According to the  manufacturer, Waveguard GmbH, D-02625 Bautzen, Germany,  “human beings and the environment are always in direct  frequency exchange. Every body needs natural waves to stay in  balance. It is the unnatural frequencies, on the other hand, that  disturb this harmony … We have also developed Qi technology,  which protects against electrosmog with natural frequencies”. 

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